Sponsor Info

Are you ready to sponsor the College Park High School CavBots? Donate below! We have many sponsorship levels that your organization can choose from. We also accept donations of any amount from individuals. Every contribution of any size helps our team remain successful and sustainable, so we are extremely grateful for your help. Thank you!


Prominent front page website recognition, social media acknowledgements, as well as logo on competition pit (public repair area), CavBots’ robot, and CavBots’ team shirt.


$5,000 to $9,999
Webpage and social media recognition, name on competition pit, and logo or name on CavBots robot.


$1,000 to $4,999
Webpage and social media ads as well as name on competition pit.


$500 to $999
Webpage and social media ads.

**We DO accept and appreciate donations less than this**